Friday, 10 December 2021 23:01


Gaia Del Negro (PhD 2017, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK) is an independent researcher, project evaluator, adult educator for community development, and teacher of Italian as a second and foreign language (see LinkedIn profile). She explores auto/biographical performative and participatory transformative methodologies to study knowing and culture, and individual and collective learning processes, in personal and professional lives, particulalry within education, healh, and social work.

She currently collaborates with the University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy) and with the Sunkhronos Institute (Switzerland) and since 2013 she has been active in the Life History and Biography Network of ESREA - European Society for Research on the Education of Adults. She is also an active member of the Experiential Translation Network and of the Feminist Imaginary Research Network (FIRN). Her publications focus on professional learning, feminist pedagogy through art and in museums, and experiential translation. She is currently training in systemic relational counselling.

A Milanese woman with a migrant working class background, she practices ecosomatic movement and not knowing.

Gaia Del Negro ovale